The Role of Biogas in Achieving Net Zero Carbon Emissions

The Role of Biogas in Achieving Net Zero Carbon Emissions
Solar, wind, and nuclear power occupy much of alternative energy’s spotlight—but biogas is another critical component in humanity’s pursuit of net zero carbon emissions. Readily available with diverse applications worldwide, biogas’ versatility is as great as its untapped potential.
Biogases are naturally occurring, renewable, and compatible with existing energy infrastructure. Purified biogas is cheaper to source and cleaner to burn than compressed natural gas (CNG), liquid natural gas (LNG), and other fossil fuels.
However, the benefits of biogas extend beyond its status as a cost-effective fuel alternative. The production process alone prevents harmful greenhouse gases (GHGs) from entering the atmosphere, helping to combat climate change. Read on to learn why experts argue that biogas is a crucial piece in solving the net zero puzzle.
Where Does Biogas Come From?
Raw biogas is produced when microbes break down wet biomass through a process called anaerobic digestion (AD). “Wet biomass” is biodegradable waste, such as manure, sewage, plant matter, and discarded food.
The AD decomposition process produces the GHGs methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). In nature or untapped waste collection systems, these gases rise into the air, contributing to pollution and climate change. However, in a controlled environment, the biogas can be collected and converted directly into various forms of energy—including heat, electricity, and combined heat and power (CHP) processes.
The most efficient way to achieve this is with a machine called an anaerobic digester. These systems create an ideal environment for AD to occur, maximizing biogas output and collecting the valuable byproducts.
The raw gases can also be further refined by isolating the methane to make renewable natural gas (RNG), also commonly known as biomethane. RNG is pipeline quality and compatible with existing gas infrastructure, allowing it to supplement or replace conventional natural gas. Alternatively, RNG can be converted into renewable CNG (RCNG) and renewable LNG (RLNG).
No matter the path, the result is a clean energy source harnessed from the waste of agricultural, industrial, and other human processes.
Key Benefits of Biogas in Energy Systems
Advancements in biogas infrastructure yield a number of valuable short- and long-term results. Though still an emerging field, the biogas industry is already revolutionizing our energy systems.
Biogas outperforms conventional natural gas in most measures of cost efficiency. Conventional gas requires extensive and costly well excavation deep underground using on- and off-shore rigs. Conversely, biogas is derived from readily available industrial, agricultural, and consumer waste. Once refined, biogas meets pipeline quality standards and can be added into existing gas lines—minimizing the initial required investment.
Conventional natural gas is sourced by drilling deep into the Earth—where it took millions of years to form—hence its status as a fossil fuel. Because biogas can be derived from a variety of waste products, it’s considered renewable as supply replenishes naturally from human processes. In addition, RNG has all the same applications as non-renewable natural gas, allowing it to supplement or substitute fossil fuels.
Because biogas systems can function independently from other energy infrastructures, they support circular economies where waste can be transformed back into power for industrial and agricultural processes. The biogas-producing AD process also provides useful outputs other than biogas, such as nutrient-rich digestate that supercharges soil when used as a biofertilizer.
As a fuel source, biogas has one of the largest ranges of applications. It can be used raw, compressed, liquified, or in fuel cell charging stations. It’s convertible into heat, electricity, and alternative vehicle fuels. Biogas production is also highly scalable. Portable units can service facilities and small towns, while larger plants can power cities and states. Biogas even plays a crucial role in tri-generation power plants—one of the most efficient fuel and energy sources.
Air & Water Quality
Waste collection systems emit biogas whether or not it’s harvested. If not captured, these gasses escape into the air, adding GHGs and unpleasant odors. Collecting and harnessing these gases keeps them out of the local air and water supply. Biogas also contains fewer impurities than conventional natural gas, mitigating smog and air pollution.
Though biogas technology and infrastructure aren’t currently widespread enough to fully replace non-renewable energy, waste-derived fuel can provide cleaner, safer power anywhere natural gas is used. In addition to the key benefits above, biogas has a critical role to play in the greater net zero goal.
The Role of Biogas in Achieving Net Zero Carbon Emissions
Achieving net zero carbon emissions is the ultimate goal of environmental sustainability. Net zero means removing more carbon from the environment than we produce. Currently, the world has surplus carbon emissions in the tens of billions of metric tons (37.15 billion as of 2022).
In the Paris Agreement, climate scientists have introduced guidelines to mitigate the worst effects of climate change if the world can achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
There is no single solution to achieving this goal. Rather, diverse strategies across the board must be implemented. Biogas has several parts to play in local and global efforts to cut carbon emissions.
First, the biogas collection process prevents fugitive emissions from reaching the atmosphere. Whether integrated into a traditional waste collection system—or operating as a standalone production facility—environmentally harmful methane and carbon gases are captured and repurposed.
Second, when biofuel is combusted, it releases natural carbon dioxide instead of the significantly more harmful and unnatural gas carbon monoxide (CO). While both are GHGs, carbon monoxide is decidedly more harmful and even fatal over a relatively short exposure time.
Simply put, collecting, processing, and reusing biogas removes carbon from the environment and produces fewer GHGs than fossil fuel production and combustion.
Depending on the efficiency of waste collection and biogas refinement, production can achieve carbon neutrality and even carbon negativity (removing more carbon than is released during production and use).
FASTECH’s Contributions to the Biogas Movement
FASTECH is a leader in renewable energy engineering, procurement, construction, and maintenance (EPCM). Across 20 years of clean energy infrastructural development, FASTECH has developed over 80 alternative fuel facilities.
Every biogas refueling station, highway pump, and renewable energy system is another step toward a net zero future. FASTECH is committed to laying a sustainable foundation to power transportation, industry, and homes for generations to come.
FASTECH’s experts provide end-to-end solutions for the full development cycle and ongoing maintenance to ensure biofuel is leveraged to the fullest extent possible. The engineering-driven team provides innovative and bespoke solutions to match the needs of municipalities, fuel companies, and industrial energy providers.
Biogas is the fuel of the future, transforming waste into sustainable energy. To learn more about the benefits of biogas solutions and how they can help achieve your sustainability goals—connect with the clean energy engineers at FASTECH.