Generating Hydrogen with a Water-Aluminum Reaction

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Generating Hydrogen with a Water-Aluminum Reaction

The most common methods for generating hydrogen fuel often involve burning coal or natural gas. These processes produce the same dangerous byproducts that businesses hope to avoid by using alternative energy, and present logistical challenges related to efficiently producing, storing, and transporting hydrogen to its final destination.

However, the simple chemical reaction between aluminum and water could provide solutions to both of these problems.

Recently, researchers from MIT studied the viability of using aluminum and water to produce hydrogen fuel. They discovered that with the right preparation, certain forms of aluminum scrap metal are the ideal vehicles for a hydrogen reaction. This discovery can assist businesses in overcoming the challenges of using hydrogen, leading to more opportunities for clean energy.

Understanding the Water-Aluminum Reaction

The hydrogen-producing reaction between water and aluminum comes down to simple chemistry. A thin oxidation layer naturally covers aluminum and prevents it from instantly reacting with water. That’s why you can get aluminum wet without it immediately corroding.

Removing this oxidation layer allows the aluminum to interact with other elements and chemicals. When exposed to water, aluminum reacts and ultimately produces hydrogen gas.

How It Works

When aluminum and water molecules come together, they create new chemical bonds and transform into different substances. Specifically, the bond produces aluminum hydroxide and releases a separate hydrogen gas. 

To achieve this reaction, MIT’s researchers found that the aluminum cannot form its outer layer of oxidation. Because aluminum oxidizes rapidly, pre-treating the aluminum is essential for efficient, reliable hydrogen production.

Practical Applications of the Water-Aluminum Reaction

By harnessing the reaction between water and aluminum, organizations across multiple sectors can generate valuable stores of hydrogen to power their operations. Consider some of the notable applications below.


The hydrogen produced from a water-aluminum reaction can supply fuel to vehicles with hydrogen fuel cells. Hydrogen-based vehicles only emit water and heat, avoiding harmful pollutants from gas and diesel vehicles.. New developments in water-aluminum reactions could make hydrogen fuel more accessible, making hydrogen-powered vehicles more practical.

Industrial Applications

Industrial processes are largely reliant on heat and electric power. Industrial production facilities can use scrap aluminum to power their operations because aluminum quickly converts into hydrogen through its reaction with water.

Companies can produce hydrogen on-site by using water and aluminum, helping to streamline their processes. On-site production and storage would also be a considerable benefit for “hard-to-abate” applications that still struggle to adopt existing sustainability solutions—such as moving cargo through ports.

Energy Storage and Backup

Aluminum reduces storage and transportation challenges compared to hydrogen. In the form of aluminum, MIT’s team notes that hydrogen takes up ten times less space than the same amount of air. By keeping aluminum on the premises, businesses can efficiently maintain a reliable form of backup energy.

Economic and Environmental Benefits

Using aluminum-water reactions for fuel can help solve problems with hydrogen energy and bring many benefits. As the effort to reduce sustainable hydrogen production costs continues, the aluminum-water reaction may emerge as the preferred method.


Now that MIT researchers have forged a practical pathway for the use of scrap metal to produce hydrogen, companies can recycle existing waste as a cost-saving measure. Recycling aluminum saves money because it eliminates the need to find new raw materials. This helps to lower production costs compared to less eco-friendly methods.


Businesses can create more sustainable energy production systems by using recycled scrap aluminum in the aluminum-water reaction. And because this reaction doesn’t involve damaging emissions, it helps companies take control of their carbon footprint and lessen their environmental impact.

Challenges and Solutions in Hydrogen Generation

Producing hydrogen through a water-aluminum reaction is a promising option for clean energy, but it does come with a couple challenges. But by leveraging modern technology and emerging research, it’s possible to overcome them and enjoy the full benefits of hydrogen energy.

Overcoming the Oxide Layer Issue

Aluminum oxidizes rapidly, so it’s important to both remove the existing outer layer and prevent future oxidation.

In the past, researchers tried to create this effect by grinding aluminum into small particles. These particles were unable to form an oxide layer. Another strategy is to grind the scrap and treat it with liquid metal alloys. However, aluminum powder is highly unstable and dangerous, and the grinding process requires a significant energy investment that can offset the benefits. 

MIT researchers have introduced a new approach, which involves soaking the aluminum in liquid metal. The metal passes through the aluminum, preventing the formation of outer oxide. This ensures that the aluminum scrap is prepared for processing.

Using Scrap Aluminum

The main problem with scrap aluminum is that it’s rarely pure. Usually, scrap aluminum comes as an alloy that’s mixed with other elements. For example, beverage cans use aluminum alloys 3004 for the body and and 5182 for the ends, which both contain copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, silicon, and zinc among other metals.

By testing the hydrogen output of different common aluminum alloys, the team at MIT created helpful, pragmatic, and realistic guidelines for combining scrap metal to create the ideal flow of hydrogen for different purposes.

Embracing Hydrogen Innovation

New advancements in hydrogen production make it possible for companies to use water and aluminum for clean power. This makes hydrogen-based power a viable option for interested businesses. This basic reaction has the potential to inspire major advancements in renewable energy by making hydrogen production more accessible and affordable to modern businesses.

If you want to invest in renewable energy for your business, partner with FASTECH to use a hydrogen-based solution. As an innovator in end-to-end alternative energy solutions, we’ll work with you through engineering, procurement, construction, and maintenance (EPC+M) while prioritizing efficiency, safety, and affordability.

Connect with the FASTECH team today to modernize your sustainable energy infrastructure.


MIT Energy. Using aluminum and water to make clean hydrogen fuel—when and where it’s needed.

Lenntech. Aluminum and water: reaction mechanisms, environmental impact and health effects.

Fuel Economy. Fuel Cell Vehicles - Benefits and Challenges.

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